Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Well I'm up in Emery's new digs. He's still in isolation. I actually got here and ran into the doctor in the hall, apologized for bothering him yesterday, and he said "do you want me to come take a look at him?" so of course I said sure. He wanted to know Emery had gotten the 5-star room. He's in a great place. He's been peaceful as can be all day, really. He was having a fit when I got here, but his sedation hadn't kicked in, so I held him, he ate, and then we put him back to bed and he's been out ever since. It looks like he's back to being Emery, up and down on his sats for no apparent reason other than he is a chronic lung disease baby. Oddly, Emery had a 'spell' yesterday while sleeping. He dropped his sats into the 50s and his heart rate into the 50s, for no apparent reason because he was sleeping. He's never really had a spell like that before unless he was sick. It apparently happened this morning, too, but with a heart rate in the 80s which doesn't bother them so much. I hope he's not getting sick. They did say that moves sometimes cause trauma to the kids, and other than that he's acting like himself. A simple cold will put him back on the vent so I don't want him getting sick, but it's not like it's really avoidable. I found out why porky is on a diet. He weighs 7 pounds 2 ounces! He looks a little chunky but cute. They took a picture of him moving to bay 2. He slept the whole time. I met the doctor here for a few days. He seemed nice, came in and talked to me, and I was able to give him a little background on Emery. That's all for today. Thanks for all of the comments and prayers!

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