Monday, March 17, 2008


Okay, it's Sunday and I'm going to do a quick update because it might be a few days. Tomorrow is Monday, and they are putting Emery on the surgery schedule. He still might not need surgery. His PDA is open, and this creates a load of problems. It affects his lung function, his nutritional status, and basically as long as it is open and they are treating it with medicine (which can lead to kidney problems) they can't aggressively wean him from the ventilator or aggressively up his feeds for nutrition. They really want the PDA closed. The problem is that if the medication works again, tomorrow is the pediatric thoracic surgeon's last day, and he is willing to do the surgery but only if it is still open. In other words, this PDA problem could go on for a long time and dramatically lengthen Emery's stay in the NICU, and without a surgeon to close it... this could on forever. This one is up to God. I have no idea what to pray for on this. As you pray for Emery, pray for his healing, his lungs, stability and that he would come home to us some day. Also, all of you have asked how you can help so here's some ways in which we trully do need help. We have to get the house ready. Anyone with ideas or some extra time, get a hold of me. Keep all of us in your thoughts and prayers, and pray for Erik and me as well. I will try to update after the surgery (provided there is one... ) Basically, the docs told me to go ahead and be here 'in case.' Thank you all again, Love Sarah, Erik and Emery

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