Monday, March 17, 2008


And the NICU shuffle begins..... As of today at 10 a.m., the surgeon wished to have the PDA reevaluated. It is closed. They will not be switching his ventilator. Erik and I did not get to hold him. He is 5 weeks old today. The doctors were very apologetic and really went to bat for Emery, but it in the end Erik and I prayed before they reevaluated Emery and left it up to God, and the PDA is closed. As always, we want what is best for Emery. Because they haven't been able to feed Emery breast milk or give him the fluid he needs, his liver is now starting to show signs of stress. Every time this PDA opens they have to put him back on IV nutrition, which stresses the liver. They do not feel it will have lasting effects on him. Erik says we should remain hopeful that every time it closes it stays closed. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support. I know some of you have been through the emotional ringer with this as well. Erik and I will spend the day with him as planned. He is about 2 pounds 3 ounces, if I haven't said that before. The PDA open will not stop his growth, it will only slow it, and cause liver stress and prolong his ventilator course and NICU stay.

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