Monday, March 17, 2008


It's been a few days since I have posted, which is actually a good thing. Emery had an awesome week. He was happy, content, tolerating higher feeds well, and generally doing very well. Unfortunately he has taken a turn for the worse. On Wednesday his lungs 'collapsed,' and since then he has developed an infection, his PDA is open again, he is having blood pressure problems, he isn't urinating well, and the doctor won't do surgery while he has an infection. The good news is he is still here and the doctors are treating him. After many talks with the doctors and nurses all day they have assured me that Emery is 'just a little sick' but he does need surgery, he does need to get rid of his infection, and his lungs are still volatile. This is one of those setbacks that they talk about. Since all of this has happened they have cut his feeds again. This is a hard road that we knew we would be on, but we often don't like it. I can't help but worry. I worried much less when he was doing well. He's still here though. The doctors have said that he will get sicker after the surgery but 'most' kids rebound after a few days, whatever the heck that means. Erik and I are trying to stay positive. I want to thank you for all of the support and kindness that everyone has offered, and I do ask you to please, once again, keep Emery in your thoughts and prayers, and pray for Erik and me as well. Emery will be one month old next week ( can you believe it??) There are still many more months that we will have to spend in the NICU if all goes well. I will update more as the weekend progresses and we know more. His lungs do seem to be opening up a little again, and he looks pink and healthy! Thank you again, Love Sarah and Erik

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