Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Emery is still off the vent. I confess, I got a little sad today. Not about Emery being off the vent, but by the rather worried expression on the doctor's face. *sigh* Well, so we now that the other doctor is back, which is fine. He genuinely cares about the babies. He said that Emery's past will predict his future, meaning that he feels a steroid rebound is imminent, but he is continuing to taper the steroids rather than just stopping just yet. That is a good thing. I'm very afraid of a rebound and him going on the vent, but I have to accept that no one can majestically fix Emery. He has to take his own course. Sometimes some doctors give me a feeling of hopelessness, and yet Emery is alive and doing okay so there is hope. Emery is so beautiful. I love his precious face and eyes. We gave stink-butt a bath today, and he didn't like it, and Erik held him and he didn't tolerate it so well, but that's okay. He's adjusting. Thank you for all of your prayers. Please keep all of us in your prayers and I do give thanks for these precious days off the vent. It really is a miracle that we have had them!

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