Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I am so sorry, I never update while I'm working but this will just be considered my break and this news CANNOT be waited upon. THIS JUST IN: EMERY HAS BEEN EXTUBATED AND IS ON CPAP!!!!!!!! It's been 40 minutes. So anyway, it doesn't mean that he will stay on CPAP. They decided to give it a try. They'll get blood gases in a little bit and keep getting chest x-rays and checking his FIO2 requirements but he's sitting at 45% oxygen on the CPAP machine and sleeping peacefully with a pacifier in his mouth. I imagine that when Emery rebounds from the steroids he will have to go back on the vent but for now he is breathing on his own! Can any of you flipping believe it?!!!! I won't even be depressed if he goes back on the vent tonight. At least he's been doing it for a little bit!!!! Now, I have the flu and there's a danged ice storm coming so of course I can't go see him, but Tiffany has promised to try and get pictures without tubes in his mouth. Praise God!!!

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