Monday, March 17, 2008


Well, I'm up here again. Emery woke up when I came in and was wide awake and just hanging out so I read him 'Good Night Moon' and sang to him for a bit. He looks so healthy and vigorous it's deceiving. Without the tubes and lines you'd never know he was a sick baby. I think by midnight the steroids will be on for 48 hours. No dramatic improvement, just a tiny bit on the vent settings. The pneumonia seems to be clearing up though. His oxygen requirements seem to run about 45% to 55%, which is usual for him. His map is 18 (down from 19) and his Hz is up to 10 (which his nurse said is actually down for him). I don't know what it means, but he's only had 2 desats since I've been here and they didn't last long. Erik didn't get to come up tonight. He has pink eye. He was so bummed about it. He had looked forward to it all day. We went to the doctor and they gave him drops and antiobiotics. This whole situation is actually really getting very hard. It seems like everything is going wrong. The back door is falling off to the house, there is something wrong with the electrical wiring in the kitchen, the house is a mess, the dog chews on herself all day, and Erik is covered in a rash and has pink eye. He is hopping mad right now. He needs a new IV. Well, nothing new. I got to lift him tonight for his weight check and Mandi took a picture of us... soon to be posted! xxoo Sarah, Erik and Emery

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