Wednesday, March 5, 2008

06/07/2007 *after surgery*

We are out of surgery. We've been out of surgery since 9 p.m., but please forgive me for checking on Em first. He's heavily sedated, satting so-so, blood gases looking great. The surgeon showed us the stone. I don't know what I expected. I kept thinking it was the size of a quarter. It was so small I could barely see it, and he said it was a stone that would have brought a grown man to his knees. An adult could barely pass it. Interesting that something that small could cause so much pain. I did ask if they thought that the pain was causing the respiratory issues that he's had the last few days, but he's still needing high oxygen even on the vent. We'll see what the next few days will hold. Thank you all for your prayers. It's been a very long, rough day of hurrying up and waiting. My nerves are fried. Oh, I'll finally get to meet the Elusive Dr. K tomorrow. He's on service in bay 1. We almost got our old room back but some crazy darn early twins had to be born right as Em was going to surgery so they got the adjoining room. No biggie. We're in the room across the hall.

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