Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Hey, you want to know what's cool about today? (Besides the fact that I'm spending the entire day with Emery) Dr. G was here and came by and got a picture with Emery. You know what else is really cool? Today is 3 weeks off the vent. Wanna know what else is cool? Hawaii. .. oh, and Dr. A called. We got home Sunday night and there was a message from him. He called from an airport in Phoenix and checked on Emery. I knew I made the right choice abou neos. He said Emery looked good and all looked well, and it's 'highly possible' Emery could be home in ..... get this..... JULY! Maybe. They certainly can't commit to anything obviously. In fact, I could go downstairs and all hell could be breaking loose. It's happened before. But, Emery's on the right track. He's seriously tubby though. They say their BPD babies get chubby and short and that's what is going on with Emery right now. I'm going to try to get some new pics of him today, hopefully awake, but he's been fussy so we're letting him sleep. Last night I asked about trying human milk fortifier actually made from human breast milk called Prolacta, and they did check on it for me but it isn't FDA approved so they won't let me use it. I feel so bad for Em. He hurts really bad from the gas. After he is off the rate on SIMV, though, it's supposed to help. Emery is down from a rate of 38 to 16 now, decreasing by two a day. By next Wednesday he should be off of a rate and then switched to CPAP. Dr. A is out of town this week but will be back on Thursday. He's going to be Emery's primary neonatologist, so he said he'd talk to the docs and ARNPs working with Emery. Oh, Emery weighs 7 pounds 6 ounces. He is chunky. He looks like a baby Chris Farley. We snuggled today and I'm going to go back and kiss him some more. It's wierd. I just left the room to grab some lunch and update the site, and I feel like I've been gone forever from him. Dr. A did say that Emery will be crabby when he comes home. I guess babies just have a hard time adjusting to their new environment. I really do hope he comes home, but man it will be wierd. Erik and I now still can sleep in and do really whatever we want. It's such and odd, bizarre way of parenting. I can't wait until I can pack him in a sling and take him with me, but it might be hard because he'll weigh 41 pounds when he comes home and he will be eating sandwiches. Have a nice day! It's a beautiful sunny spring day, and Emery will be 4 months old tomorrow.

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