Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Let's see... Emery's Penrose drain is out. It came out yesterday and his antibiotics were stopped as well. On Sunday night he apparently had another crying jag that lasted several hours and then he began throwing up. He's thrown up massive amounts with almost every feed since then. Well, massive to us. We have an urpy baby but straight up puking is foreign; hence, the Richard Simmons-requiring baby. Anyway, they think it's morphine withdrawal. I asked if it could be another stone, and yes it is a possibility. Emery puked in front of the surgeon today, and he said if it kept happening they would do another ultrasound. It seems sometimes like it never ends. If it's not one thing, it's another, and yes that is most certainly true. I've perused about every blog there is out there about micropreemies, and it's the same thing. While no else may experience kidney stones per se, there is always something. In some ways I feel like if we could just get him home then they can't find anything wrong with him anymore, but as I sit here and watch his oxygen saturations drop below 90 over and over while reqiring over 50% oxygen, I know the reality of him coming home is very very far away, more than just a few months. Emery, however, is cooing and laughing and needing a significant amount of attention. I can't be here with him the whole time, and I'm starting to feel pretty guilty. He needs to be social. He is such a funny baby, though. He fake cries to get someone to come in his room and as soon as someone comes in and talks to him he smiles and coos. On a lighter note and good note, my blood pressure today was 118/74 mmHg! My body is actually amost starting to feel normal again! Oh, and thank you all for the prayers and thoughts throughout these last few days. I know I don't always respond back to every comment, but we do read them all every day and they do mean so much to us. Emery's CPAP pressure went down to 9 on Sunday, and his nitric was decreased to 1 ppm yesterday, and there is talk about going back down to 8 on the CPAP tomorrow. The elusive Dr. K wants the nitric gone before we try high flow.

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